The Philadelphia coaches conference


Tuesday, May 13th, 2025, Temple University

8:00AM - 2:30PM

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The Philadelphia Coaches Conference is an annual collaborative event hosted by Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management and organized “for coaches by coaches” in an effort to bring together aspiring coaches of all levels and in a variety of sports for the purpose of professional development and growth through a series of educational sessions led by a diverse group of experienced and knowledgeable coaches.

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The 2025 Philadelphia Coaches Conference will be held at Temple University’s School of Sport, Tourism and Hospitality Management. The conference is dedicated to coaching professionals and students and addresses current issues in coaching featuring a keynote address, industry-led panel discussions, and multiple breakout sessions.  

Keynote presentations, breakout sessions, and expert panels are open to all registered attendees. Speakers from previous conferences have included Steven Robertson- BeBold Training, Charlene Morett-Curtiss - Penn State Women’s Field Hockey, Dawn Staley - University of South Carolina Women’s Basketball, Aaron McKie - Temple University Men’s Basketball Head Coach, Matt Rhule - Carolina Panthers Head Coach and Courtney Banghart - University of North Carolina Women’s Basketball Head Coach.


Youth Coach of the Year

This award is in recognition of youth sport coaches in the Philadelphia area.

Previous winners have included; Andre Wright from Give and Go Athletics Zoe Sayetta from the Cliffs, Henry Clack from Enon Eagles, Matt George of KIPP Lanning Square Middle School, and Dhaamin Stukes from Philadelphia Youth Basketball.

Scholastic Coach of the Year

This award is in recognition of scholastic sport coaches in the Philadelphia area.

Previous winners have included; Mike McDonald from Archbishop Wood, Eric Gidley from Lansdale Catholic, Beth Manasion from the Science Leadership Academy, and Bill Sytsma from Frankford High School.

Collegiate Coach of the Year

This award is in recognition of collegiate sport coaches in the Philadelphia area.

Previous winners have included; Tom Shirley from Jefferson University, Paul Savell from Drexel University, Denise Dillon from Villanova University, Lynn Farquhar from St. Joseph’s, Jad Prachniak from West Chester University

Professional Coach of the Year

This award is in recognition of professional sport coaches in the Philadelphia area.

Previous winners have included; Nick Sirianni from the Philadelphia Eagles, Brett Brown from the Philadelphia 76ers, and Jim Curtain from the Philadelphia Union

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