DHAAMIN STUKES | Philadelphia Youth Basketball
Dhaamin Stukes has been coaching youth basketball, track, and football for over twenty years, primarily in the communities of Northwest Philadelphia. He was the first year-round coach to be hired by Philadelphia Youth Basketball in 2015. Coach Dhaamin brings the same passion to the holistic, positive development of urban young people as he did for many years in coaching his three sons, all of whom have played, are playing, or will play college basketball. He also has coached and guided many young athletes to play their sports in college, some of whom have enjoyed careers in the NBA, NFL or played professionally overseas. Coach Dhaahim’s coaching style is one of a "motivator." His focus is to bring the best out of his players. He states that his motto is: "To Coach is to Mentor." Dhaamin continues to be a role model and inspiration for PYB's student-athletes, as well as the organization’s younger coaches and mentors.