2024 youth coach of the year
Andre Wright | Give & Go Athletics
Andre established Give and Go Athletics in 2009 alongside his friend and colleague Caleb Jones. The pair worked as behavioral health therapists at Reynolds Elementary School in North Philadelphia and recognized the need to develop after-school programming – because at the time - extracurricular activities for elementary and middle schools were cut from the School District of Philadelphia’s budget.
This shortage of programming led to hundreds of misled youth within the city. As a result, Give and Go Athletics was born.
Since then, Give and Go Athletics has created around 50 programs empowered through education, athletics, arts, and mentoring. Using sports as the entry point, Give and Go has provided trauma-informed mentoring, social-emotional learning, and mental health support to over 1,000 youth participants who have enrolled in its programs since its inception.
Congratulations again to Andre Wright and Give and Go Athletics!